
The Treatment Mistakes of Cystitis Glandularis

cystitis glandularis not only bring great pain to patients, but also have the possibility of cancerous. so patients must be active to seek effective treatment.

Glandular cystitisis a kind of lesion caused by proliferation of mucosa, and urothelial hyperplasia is the pathological manifestations of this disease.A normal person's mucous membrane of urinary bladder is formed of transitional epithelium. When the mucous membrane is chronically stimulated by the inflammation and obstruction, local mucosa tissue will develop into epithelial tissue and hence glandular cystitis is produced.

The main clinical manisfestations of glandular cystitisare urgent micturition, frequent urination, disuria, hematuria and other urinary symptoms. And the mucosal congestion and grain-sized transparent or papillary cystic bulge are found in pathological regions through cystoscope. For patients with glandular cystitis, unequal sizes of mucosal follicular changes appear in their vesical neck, triangular region, inside urethral mouth, and seminal hillock. Pathological manifestations of glandular cystitis are urinary tract epithelial hyperplasia, in which gap, or branched or cyclic cavity emerges, and glandular structure appears in the center.

1)For the treatment of chronic cystitis glandularis, Western medicine mainly use intravesical perfusion therapy. In fact, perfusion is the way of absorbing Chinese medicine. If Chinese medicine formulations has no effect, Perfusion doesn't work.

2)The West tends to provide surgical treatment for this kind of proliferative lesions, but its recurrence rate is rather high after surgery. Transurethral resection of bladder, bladder mucosal exfoliation, partial cystectomy can just temporarily alleviate the symptoms. Because the disease is not eradicated, it will relapse. Many patients have to take the same surgery for many times and this makes them rather miserable.

Undoubtedly, Western medicine can not restrain cystitis glandularis, and the patients believe that the "Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pills" has unique and magical effect on this disease.

The prescription of "Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill" has efficacy on activating blood and resolving stasis, clearing heat and relieving toxicity. Since the medicine to cure glandular cystitis has the effect of promoting micturition, detoxifing and sterilizing, activating blood circulation to promote circulation of Qi, and softening hardness to dissipate stagnation, the following smptoms such as urgent micturition, dysuria, urinary frequency, hematuria, and dysuria can be eliminated. According to experience, once the cystitis glandularis patients take this medicine, their symptoms will be eased notably in a few days. Three to four months or so, the symptoms of cystitis glandularis will be clearly eliminated and the bladder mucosa of the patient will become normal. Eventually, cystitis glandularis get radical cure.

