The Treatment Mistakes of Cystitis Glandularis
cystitis glandularis not only bring great pain to patients, but also have the possibility of cancerous. so patients must be active to seek effective treatment.
Glandular cystitisis a kind of lesion caused by proliferation of mucosa, and urothelial hyperplasia is the pathological manifestations of this disease.A normal person's mucous membrane of urinary bladder is formed of transitional epithelium. When the mucous membrane is chronically stimulated by the inflammation and obstruction, local mucosa tissue will develop into epithelial tissue and hence glandular cystitis is produced.
The main clinical manisfestations of glandular cystitisare urgent micturition, frequent urination, disuria, hematuria and other urinary symptoms. And the mucosal congestion and grain-sized transparent or papillary cystic bulge are found in pathological regions through cystoscope. For patients with glandular cystitis, unequal sizes of mucosal follicular changes appear in their vesical neck, triangular region, inside urethral mouth, and seminal hillock. Pathological manifestations of glandular cystitis are urinary tract epithelial hyperplasia, in which gap, or branched or cyclic cavity emerges, and glandular structure appears in the center.
1)For the treatment of chronic cystitis glandularis, Western medicine mainly use intravesical perfusion therapy. In fact, perfusion is the way of absorbing Chinese medicine. If Chinese medicine formulations has no effect, Perfusion doesn't work.
2)The West tends to provide surgical treatment for this kind of proliferative lesions, but its recurrence rate is rather high after surgery. Transurethral resection of bladder, bladder mucosal exfoliation, partial cystectomy can just temporarily alleviate the symptoms. Because the disease is not eradicated, it will relapse. Many patients have to take the same surgery for many times and this makes them rather miserable.
Undoubtedly, Western medicine can not restrain cystitis glandularis, and the patients believe that the "Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pills" has unique and magical effect on this disease.
The prescription of "Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill" has efficacy on activating blood and resolving stasis, clearing heat and relieving toxicity. Since the medicine to cure glandular cystitis has the effect of promoting micturition, detoxifing and sterilizing, activating blood circulation to promote circulation of Qi, and softening hardness to dissipate stagnation, the following smptoms such as urgent micturition, dysuria, urinary frequency, hematuria, and dysuria can be eliminated. According to experience, once the cystitis glandularis patients take this medicine, their symptoms will be eased notably in a few days. Three to four months or so, the symptoms of cystitis glandularis will be clearly eliminated and the bladder mucosa of the patient will become normal. Eventually, cystitis glandularis get radical cure.
Can Fallopian Tube Blockage Cause Dysmenorrhea?
The inflammatory in fallopian tube can cause pathological changes. Many inflammatory can cause fallopian tube blockage such as vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis and PID. Fallopian tube blockage is an important reason that causes female infertility. Patients can feel the symptoms of fallopian tube blockage by themselves. Women would have lower back pain and abdominal pain when they suffer fallopian tube blockage.
Patients with fallopian tube blockage almost don’t have any symptoms. Female infertility caused by fallopian tube blockage is only symptom. Fallopian tube blockage doesn’t have relations with menstruation because menstruation is controlled by hormone. The hormone can’t affect the function of fallopian tube.
Though fallopian tube blockage doesn’t affect menstruation, some sufferers have experienced dysmenorrhea. This pain could be caused by other diseases. As fallopian tube blockage doesn’t have any symptoms, many sufferers would go to see the doctor when they can’t get pregnant. Women with infertility problems who have suffered from pelvic inflammatory disease could suspect fallopian tube obstruction. There are different tests they could have to diagnose a fallopian tube problem. Because Chlamydia is often the cause of blocked fallopian tubes, testing for this disease is one of the simplest and most affordable methods that could suggest tube obstruction. Sonography might also hint to a fallopian tube problem, and through surgery (laparoscopy), the obstruction of the tubes can be diagnosed. Another evaluative method is hysterosalpingogram.
Thus, fallopian tube blockage can’t cause dysmenorrhea. Herbal medicine named Fuyan Pill can help to treat infertility caused by fallopian tube blockage. In general, sufferers would recover in three months.
Can seminal vesicle inflammation be cured permanently?
Once a man has infection orinflammation in the seminal vesicles, he is a seminal vesiculitis victim. Commonly, this condition can bring lots of seminal vesiculitis symptoms to men, including blood in semen, painful urination, burning with urination, urgent urination, frequent urination, pain in the lower abdominal area, fever and chill. What’s more, this condition can affect the quality of sperm, bringing infertility to men. Therefore, treatment for seminal vesiculitis is inevitable.
However, with the development of modern medicine, lots of treatments can be used to cure the seminal vesiculitis and the effects are various from people to people, so can the seminal vesiculitis are cured permanently? How to choose the right treatment?Generally speaking, treatment of seminal vesiculitis is often the same with prostatitis treatment. Therefore, Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed for treating this disease.
Men with drug resistance or having function problems on liver and kidney cannot take the antibiotic therapy as a treatment. As is known to all, the drug resistance, which can prolong the treating course and affect the treating effect, and damages on liver and kidney, which can bring severer problems to patients; are side effects of antibiotics. Therefore, antibiotixc therapy unsuits for these men who are mentioned above, even though the effect of antibiotic therapy is marvelous.
The anti-inflammatory therapy is another treatment that can be used to cure seminal vesiculitis. However, it can be classified into two types, herbal medicine and western medicine.
The western anti-inflammatory drugs, just like the antibiotics, also have the same side effects. So the choosing principle of the anti-inflammatory drugs is as same as the antibiotic therapy. Herbal anti-inflammatory drugs are much safer than western anti-inflammatory drugs, because all of the ingredients of herbal medicine are from nature. Moreover, they can even be taken as food.
Take the herbal medicine - Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for example. All of the herbs of this herbal pill are from nature. Therefore, it has no drug resistance and also won’t bring damage to patients. Since every herb has its own functions, by combining more than 50 herbs into together, this herbal medicine can promote blood circulation, improve Qi, clear toxic materials, and dissipate hard lumps and so on. Furthermore, this herbal pill can also enhance the self-healing ability and immunity of patient. Therefore, the recurrence rate is so low that can be ignored. Sufferers who cannot take antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs can take herbal medicine as a permanent cure.
Dr. Reveals New Home Treatment for Chronic Prostatitis that May Prevent Prostate Cancer
Dr Simon Allen of Fine Treatment states a common belief that inflammation of a prostate may lead over time to the development of prostate cancer. Despite some doctors' saying that there is no correlation between chronic prostatitis and prostate cancer nobody can argue that infections and inflammations may represent one mechanism through which prostate cancer develops. It's well known that chronic inflammation of several other organs is associated with various cancers.
For example, the inflammation of the lower esophagus (Barrett's esophagitis) can lead to esophageal cancer or ulcerative colitis can develop into colon cancer. Since chronic inflammation causes cancer in other organs, it is reasonable to suggest that chronic prostatitis if left unattended may ultimately lead to prostate cancer.
Therefore, it is big news when there is an option of treating chronic prostatitis at home for the first time in the World effectively and thus to prevent the development of prostate cancer.
The second great news is that this prostate treatment does not require antibiotics, medication and/or other operations. Dr Allen's Device for Prostate Care is beneficial for chronic prostatitis, including CPPS and free from adverse side effects.
Other risks factors of prostate cancer development which can be found in books are aging or changes in male hormones due to aging and are so general that makes preventative measures unsubstantiated.
Fine Treatment avoids a common mistake investigators make and when they fail to mention that prostate cancer is always found together with prostatitis and all men will probably get both diseases if they live long enough. Both prostate cancer and prostatitis raise Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels and both conditions are currently at epidemic levels and, also, Zinc levels are low or absent in both prostate cancer and chronic prostatitis. These facts need to be considered carefully when the prevention measures of prostate cancer are discussed and, indeed, these facts confirm the uniqueness of a natural prostate treatment invented by Dr Allen as a prevention measure of prostate cancer.
According to Dr Allen & Fine Treatment, opinions differ and are controversial about the relationship between Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer. Despite the fact that some of the symptoms of these two conditions are the same, the claim that BPH appears to be etiologically unrelated to prostate cancer has been popular for many years. It is a relief to hear that now this claim has been deemed doubtful. Researchers are beginning to see pathological and genetic links between these two conditions. Furthermore, there are strong suggestions that prostatic inflammation is involved in the pathogenesis and progression of both conditions, it means that chronic prostatitis and BPH and prostate cancer are interconnected.
These new approaches in understanding of prostate cancer development underline the importance of prostate treatment, particularly BPH treatment and prostatitis cure for prevention of prostate cancer development.
"You have to keep your prostate in healthy condition to avoid prostate cancer in future" says Dr Allen, "Fine Treatment offers the best prostate care option as it is very effective and natural and thus free from adverse side effects."
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